Paul Philo - full credits
« return to Paul’s profilePaul has been involved in 4 RDG productions. Listed below are the productions we have in our online database where Paul has a credit of any kind.
Happy Birthday Mr President or Who Killed Norma Jeane (Festival) |
What is it about Marilyn Monroe that continues to generate such emotions, even today? Many Hollywood stars since 1962 have tried to emulate her, none have succeeded. She made few great films, was ... over 19 years ago |
The Real Inspector Hound (2) |
The Real Inspector Hound does not attempt to solve any great world problems, or even examine them. It is a play within a play; played for farce, and with a blithe stab at that great imported art fo... over 23 years ago |
Sweet Charity |
Bob Fosse's story was based on the Academy Award winning film, Le Notti Di Cabiria, by Italian genius Federico Fellini. After seeing the film in 1957, Fosse immediately saw the potential for a Broa... about 22 years ago |