We're Coming Back!!

almost 4 years ago

Normal Service Will (hopefully!) Be Resumed......

After what seems such a long break where we have been unable to rehearse or perform, we now have some firm plans for the summer and autumn 2021. Fingers crossed the plans can come to fruition and we can get off zoom and enjoy doing what we do best - entertaining our audiences!

We had to postpone our one act festival entry of Bear Hug from last March but this is being revived and we will hopefully be presenting that at Riverhouse Walton in June with a double bill of another one act play Madonna Della Media written by our own Caroline Ross. These two plays will also compete in Maidenhead Drama Festival which has been put back from May to July.

Our main summer production will be an adaptation of Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana which we plan to put on in the outdoor space at Riverhouse at the end of July.

Then, a play we have wanted to do for some time has been released for amateur groups to perform - Jez Butterworth's The Ferryman - is being planned for our main autumn production at Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking in early December.

Exciting times.