Songs from the Shows (1)

by Devised by Judith Dolley

Songs from the Shows (1) had 3 performances about 39 years ago (between the 19th of September 1985 and the 21st of September 1985) at The United Church of Egham

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Company - Colin Bailey

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Company - Anne Carter

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Company - Paul Chewins

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Company - Katie Audaer


Company - Carolyn Floyd

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Company - Kay Frier

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Company - Tony Frier

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Company - Michael Gaffney

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Company - Diane Humphries

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Company - Ken Ing

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Company - Sheila Ing

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Company - Steve McGuire

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Company - Stephen Nicholas

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Company - Lorna Ramsden

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Company - Sylvia Slark


Company - Brian Walters


Director - Judith Dolley


Musician - Paul Henry

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Musician - Stephen Nicholas

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Musician - Diane McGuire

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Musician - Chris Winslet