Dark of the Moon
by Howard Richardson & William Berney
Dark of the Moon had 2 performances over 41 years ago (between the 4th of October 1983 and the 21st of October 1983) at Staines Town Hall
John - David Hinton |
Conjur Man - Graham Whiting |
Dark Witch - Coral Stroud |
Fair Witch - Carolyn Floyd |
Conjur Woman - Mary Honey |
Barbara Allen - Gilly Combe |
Marvin Huggins - Nigel Brickwood |
Mrs Sumney - Sylvia Slark |
Mrs Allen - Sheila Ing |
Mrs Bergen - Anne Carter |
Preacher Haggler - Peter Reekie |
Mr Allen - Gordon Quartermaine |
Hattie - Grania Catty |
Greeny Goramn - Margaret Rowe |
Miss Metcalf - Lorna Ramsden |
Miss Leafy - Jackie deVille |
Edna Sumney - Angela Brickwood |
Mr Atkins - Stuart Lawson |
Uncle Smelicue - Ken Ing |
Hank Gudger - Martin Dunning |
Burt Dinwiddy - Graham Darn |
Mrs Dinwiddy - Pauline Walters |
Louanne Dinwiddy - Katie Audaer |
Director - Judith Dolley |
Winners | Staines Festival - 1983 | |
Adjudicators Award | Judith Dolley | Staines Festival - 1983 |
Runners Up | Woking Festival - 1983 |