The International Stud
by Harvey Fierstein
The International Stud had 2 performances over 30 years ago (between the 4th of October 1994 and the 21st of October 1994) at Staines Town Hall
Arnold - Paul Marshall |
Lady Blues - Carin Rose |
Ed Reiss - Mark Humble |
Director - Judith Dolley |
Musical Director - Diane McGuire |
Lighting - Frances Meades |
Sound - Gerry Drake |
Sound - Peter Harris |
Stage Manager - Mary Eades |
Set Design and Construction - Brian Walters |
Winners | Staines Festival - 1994 | |
Best Actor | Paul Marshall | Staines Festival - 1994 |
Winners | Woking Festival - 1994 | |
Best Actor | Paul Marshall | Woking Festival - 1994 |