The Purification
by Tennessee Williams
The Purification had 3 performances almost 44 years ago (between the 3rd of April 1981 and the 15th of April 1981) at Maidenhead Town Hall
The Judge - Colin Bailey |
The Mother - Grania Catty |
The Rancher - Ian Pike |
Elena - Rosalind Bell |
The Son - Peter Reekie |
The Father - Roy Selfe |
Luisa - Mary Honey |
Guitar Player - Colin Dolley |
Indian Dancer - Jane Reekie |
Indian Servant - Anita Philp |
Indian Servant - Yvonne Waite |
Rancher - Edna Nash |
Rancher - Betty Poole |
Rancher - Janice Ketley |
Rancher - Sheila Ing |
Rancher - Ivan Lyons |
Rancher |
Rancher - Ken Ing |
Rancher - Charles Bundy |
Director - Judith Dolley |
Stage Manager - Mary Eades |
Stage Manager - Caroline Hind |
Lighting - Brian Houghton |
Third | Maidenhead Festival - 1981 | |
Runners Up | Guildford Festival - 1981 | |
Most Orginal Production | Guildford Festival - 1981 |