The Weir
by Conor McPherson
The Weir had 5 performances 10 months ago (between the 3rd of April 2024 and the 6th of April 2024) at The Riverhouse Barn
197th Production. The Weir was written by Conor McPherson in 1997. It won the Laurence Olivier Award for best play of 1997/8 and was voted one of the 100 most significant plays of the 20th Century in a poll by the Royal National Theatre. Michael Billington listed it as one of the 101 greatest plays of all time.
Set in a small pub in a remote part of Ireland, over the course of one evening we meet BRENDAN the pub owner, JACK the local garage owner, JIM a labourer, FINBAR a local boy ‘made good’ and VALERIE a young woman who has moved from Dublin. There is some antagonism between Jack and Finbar. The latter moved away and made his fortune and it is Finbar who brings Valerie into the pub to meet the locals, also Finbar is the only married man in the group.
As the drink flows the men banter with each other and start to tell stories with a supernatural theme. They are trying to impress Valerie. But when Valerie tells her story which is true and also has a ghostly element the atmosphere changes, the men become more genuine and in the end we are left with a possible redemption for two of the characters.
The actors will need to make the characters live and be natural but also hold the audience, particularly when they tell their stories. There are subtleties in the relationships and shifts and changes in mood which need to be explored and conveyed. Each Character has a back story and their actions in the pub are coloured by their lives outside.
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Brendan - Nick LundBrendan. (30/40’s) Owns the bar and the farm. Unmarried he is good natured and has a strong moral compass. |
Jack - Marc AndersonJack. ( 50’s) Local garage owner. Unmarried. He is resentful of Finbar. We learn late in the play that he wasted his chance for happiness. |
Jim - Nick CrossJim. (40’s) Unmarried. A labourer who looks after his mother. Still waters run deep. He is a successful gambler on the horses because he studies the form. |
Finbar - Paul PritchardFinbar. (40’s/50’s) Local boy made good. He left the village and made a success of his life. He is married with children. He is resented particularly by Jack. |
Valerie - Megan BeardValerie. (30’s) Has moved from Dublin following the tragic death of her daughter and break up of her marriage. She is equal to the men’s banter. She is clearly a good person whose honesty changes the atmosphere. |
Director - Paul Foster |
Set Design and Construction - John Godliman |
Stage Manager and Set Assistant - Liz Thomas |
Lighting - Nigel Greenaway |
Lighting - Chris Greatorex |
Sound - Ian Santry |
Continuity - Sandra Thomas |
Flyer and Programme Design - Anne Nunn |
Photography - Alan Bostock ( |
Front of House - Jackie Stone |
Front of House - Frankie Godliman |
Wardrobe - Anna Foster |
Publicity - Shelby-Alexa Myers |
Set Assistant - Molly Cooke |
Set Assistant - Emma Nuttall |
Set Assistant - Linda Mardell |
Set Assistant - Tim Mardell |
Set Assistant - Clare Pinnock |
Lighting Assistant - Paige Beard |
Set Assistant - Linda Russell |
Set Assistant - Ian Thomas |
Set Assistant - Sasha Wong |
Musician - Irish Whistle - Liz Morrell |