
by Don Nigro

Scarecrow had 3 performances over 24 years ago (between the 4th of October 1999 and the 4th of July 2000) at Felixstowe and Riverside Arts Centre

An American Drama.

A lonely young girl lives with her eccentric mother in an old farmhouse on the edge of a cornfield. She meets a strange man under a tree by the creek and is led step by step into a web of lust and betrayal.

Scarecrows are supposed to frighten crows, but the Scarecrow in this particular cornfield is something more. He is a symbol of forbidden lust and repressed desires, made more dangerous by the heat, landscape and repressions of the bidle belt in the remote deep south of America.

A frightening, but poetic, atmospheric and stylised play about sexual desire and recussinf seasons of evil. A kind of weird, haunted, mid-western gothic.

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Cally - Lisette Henry

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Rose - Jane Walters


Nick - Adam Roberts


Director - Judith Dolley

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Set Design and Construction - Ken Ing

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Set Design and Construction - Anne Nunn


Set Design and Construction - Brian Walters

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Lighting - Malcolm Meades

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Lighting - Bill Payne


Sound - Ian Santry


Stage Manager - Clare Pinnock

Winners Spelthorne Festival - 1999
Winners Woking Festival - 1999
Best Actress Jane Walters Woking Festival - 1999
Best Director Judith Dolley Woking Festival - 1999
Adjudicator's Award for Sound Ian Santry Woking Festival - 1999
Best Actress Lisette Henry Spelthorne Festival - 1999
Best Actress Jane Walters Spelthorne Festival - 1999
Adjudicator's Award for Direction Judith Dolley Spelthorne Festival - 1999
Technical Excellence Spelthorne Festival - 1999
Winners All Winners Festival - 2000